
This year comes to an end and I have to reflect on what happened this year. The end of March break was a time to celebrate the last stretch of the school year. What we did not know is how much change was headed our way. This year for me was one of a lot of struggles. To start my year, the new school that was supposed to be ready in September was not ready. Our staff was placed temporarily into another school, who I must thank for their kindness and sharing of space. From a pedagogical standpoint, it was far from ideal. We had about 70 primary students in an open concept style place. You can imagine the frustrations while trying to teach when 60 kindergartens are trying to change their clothing after coming inside from their outdoor play. Even if all 60 kids were silent the acoustics alone are a challenge. The blessing for me was that I had access to half the gym making my life a lot easier. There were labour disputes and disruptions to learning when all of this was happening. Fast forward to January and our school is move-in ready but not fully build. The pains of working in a construction zone are very challenging, the dust was aggravating my eczema daily. During this time the gym was not available for use. I used my special education classroom and the halls to deliver health and physical education. When the weather was nice I took kids to the field. This was a challenge as our school is attached to a public school and start times are staggered. This means recesses are staggered so field time is limited. Furthermore, the HPE teacher from the public school also needs to teach his class as well. Next was March break and everything closed down. The gym was completed in June 2020. This was a very stressful year from an educational point of view. I am grateful to have survived this year as it will make me a better teacher.

Completed this year-

Kids Have Stress Too!
Technology Part 2 (complete)
HPE Honours Specialist (registered and paid)
CPR and First Aid
500km Biking since COVID until now 3 months.
Scuba dive (3 times so far)


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