
After taking some time to digest the fact that there is no history of education class, I have not come to any reasonable conclusion as to why it is not offered. Now that teacher's college is a two year program, universities must be teaching the history of education. I looked at a few schools and …. (hopes up).... Nothing. Even with a two year program there is not one class that focuses on history of education. I must say that I am extremely biased because I love teaching history. When I was in school most of my teachers did not like teaching history as some teachers let the students know their dislike for the subject. I personally love history and I think it is fascinating. What I do know is that even if you do not like a course (as a teachers) you should never let your students know you do not like a course. If one of your students love's course “x” and you say that you dislike course “x”, you can break rapport with that student. Studying history is important to understand why things in society are the way they are. Studying history is a way of connecting with people who have “paved the road” for all of us. What I am going to continue to do is use stories to talk about history and I will continue to promote my students to get creative when history culminating tasks come around.


  1. Hi,
    Thanks for your post. I did my teacher training with OISE and in my cohort, there wasn't a course on history of education, but we did address aspect of it in the different classes we had to take. For example in our pedagogy course, we looked at past theories to understand concepts from Piaget and Rousseau. A course specifically for history of education, no we didn't have that but there were aspects integrated in the program.

    I agree with you how teacher's should refrain from 'bad mouthing' a subject area. I feel as teachers we can relate on aspects of their likes and dislikes of subject areas, but again it depends on how it is handled. For example how some students talk about how they see no relevance in Math. There is an opportunity for a discussion there and relate with students in how they could approach their dislikeness through examples. However I see what you mean. How can you teach a subject when you walk in talking about how you don't like it to begin with! Kind of humorous if you ask me...but not necessary.


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