Reflections on my personality type.

I took a personality test to see what type of person I am. You can type anywhere online for personality tests.

Here is a link one I completed many months ago.

My Results and thoughts

ESTP The “Doers”/Entrepreneur

I could not believe how accurate this personality test was. I believe that understanding my own personality is key to understanding my relationships with others. I am also quite aware that in my life, I use rules and laws as guidelines, not absolutes. Knowing what needs to get done and doing it, is my lifestyle. My opinion about right and wrong are my compass for my morality. In conversations and in athletics everything I do is fast. I like to believe myself as a fun and loving person. One part of the description that made me a little uncomfortable was the fact that my decisions usually do not include other people's feelings. I can honestly say that I have hurt a lot of people from failing to consider their feelings. One of the core concepts is that doers have trouble in school (which is very true) and view school as a chore (which I still do). In a career setting, doers need to keep moving. This is part of the reason I left my old job, I felt stuck. Routines and chores are viewed as bad for the does (I couldn’t agree more). Doers get things started, but do not always finish (the story of my life). Although it says doers are great salespeople, I tried and was unsuccessful at sales. I now question if this was because my morals got in the way of selling the product. Action oriented professions do well for this personality type (for example, police officers), which is why I enjoyed working in Immigration. In a career, interacting with people is more important than routine and detailed tasks (again, couldn't agree more). One of the hardest parts to read about was that sometimes the ESTP will have “alone moments” because they have a harder time connecting to others on the emotional levels. Accompanying the lack of emotions is the “round for round” concept, where the doers devalues others who can not “keep up”. My “world view is not the only worldview” was a concept I have had to learn the hard way through many conflicts.

I am going to use the concept of internal reflections. The three questions:
  1. What am I doing?
  2. Why am I doing it?
  3. What is the benefit?

In most situations, I always stress myself out with worse case scenario, instead of seeing the potential in that situation. This is driven by my need to prove myself, coupled with my fear of failing. My thought is that if I can have a plan of actions for most scenarios, my rate of failure would decrease significantly. I found a lot of the items discussed were a little hard to read as I already had a lot of fear surrounding the discussed weaknesses. Connecting this with the readings, I think it is important to know your personality’s strengths and weaknesses. What I call “playing politics” is utilizing relationships to get things accomplished. I will have to be more aware of my competitive nature and devaluing of opponents, that I feel, are not on my level. Politics is about using power to setting objectives accomplished. If you are only using people, you can harm relationships that are integral to achieving a mutual goal. Alliances are very important when faced with a conflict. If one were to limit the options of available parties to align with in a conflict, options for possible solutions could become limited.


  1. William - great self-analysis and thanks for sharing and relating the results of your personality analysis to your professional role as an educator. Sarah


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