
I have completed my Masters in Education (2018) while working full time at 5 different schools; twice a week I would travel during lunch. Traveling across a major city during, sometimes 30 minutes or more of driving, was stressful. I have added to my teaching credentials. One of my goals was to teach in high school and as of this summer (July 2019), I have completed this goal. Another goal I had was to go to only one school. As of September 2019, this goal has been accomplished. Teaching is extremely challenging and I am finding the vocation quite rewarding. Investing so much of your time to supporting the future of our world, at times, seems like a daunting task. In the educational world, my comfort level has increased. When I first started to teach I felt like a fraud because I was never the most academic individual and I really did not like the academic side of the school (loved the social part). If you are thinking of joining the profession just be aware it is very hard work. Balancing life and work is nearly impossible when you are a new teacher. Sometimes parents will put pressure on you to do things a certain way or give their child preferential treatment. My advice is to do what you believe is best (back it up with facts) and always have an administrator you can contact. Another factor that a lot of newer teachers do not plan for is the level of stress you face in a year. The constant interruptions and tasks seem endless. Remember it is impossible to assess everything all of the time. One warning is to watch for burn out. If you struggle, it is okay to talk to a mental health professional. Lots of teachers get anxiety (I am one of them).

This year, I am teaching special education and physical education. My goals for the 2019-2020 school year is to become more efficient in supporting early struggling readers and to be on top of marking. If I have enough time I would also like to take additional qualifications to become an HPE honours specialist, with the hope of one day supporting those that write the curriculum. I made my HPE program digital. Now if I can only get resources in all of the classes I teach.

Cool things I did in 2018-2019

completed intermediate Science Aq
Completed Masters in Education
Finished NTIP and probation
Full Time 1.0 in HPE
Changed to 1 school. Half HPE and half Spec Ed
Summer 2018- Full motorcycle licence
Submitted work-related experience
Helped coach Rep Volleyball and completed Elementary and development coach (TRAINED still need to be assessed)
Engaged (most wedding stuff is complete)
Bought Condo
In the 2018 summer, went to the east coast:
Road Cabot trail on a Harley
Went over all of the east coast. 
Trip to Mexico
PADI advanced diver
PADI enriched air
Teach summer school Grade 10 Science.
PADI Rescue course 

PADI dry suit course
(14 dives this year so far)

2019 School year (we are 3 weeks in)
Jr Boys soccer
Jr Girls Soccer
Took a leadership role for Terry Fox run. 


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