As I am trying to make myself a better teacher, what type of leadership style do I have?

I completed a survery about what type of leadership sytle I have. There are four main options which are:
1. Structural leaders emphasize rationality, analysis, logic, facts and data. They are likely to believe strongly in the importance of clear structure and well-developed management systems. A good leader is someone who thinks clearly, makes the right decisions, has good analytic skills, and can design structures and systems that get the job done.

2. Human resource leaders emphasize the importance of people. They endorse the view that the central task of management is to develop a good fit between people and organizations. They believe in the importance of coaching, participation, motivation, teamwork and good interpersonal relations. A good leader is a facilitator and participative manager who supports and empowers others.

3. Political leaders believe that managers and leaders live in a world of conflict and scarce resources. The central task of management is to mobilize the resources needed to advocate and fight for the unit's or the organization's goals and objectives. Political leaders emphasize the importance of building a power base: allies, networks, coalitions. A good leader is an advocate and negotiator who understands politics and is comfortable with conflict.

4. Symbolic leaders believe that the essential task of management is to provide vision and inspiration. They rely on personal charisma and a flair for drama to get people excited and committed to the organizational mission. A good leader is a prophet and visionary, who uses symbols, tells stories and frames experience in ways that give people hope and meaning.

This information is sourced from:

It is a free survey. Complete it online.

My dominant trait in leadership orientation is human resources with a score of 20 and my second dominant trait is symbolic. Before I began this activity I believed I would have been the strongest in the structural category, with human resources as a close second.  I thought that I would have scored the lowest in the symbolic category. The results of the survey took me by surprise, which lead me to take some time to consider how I value each of these categories.
In any business, without people, very little would be accomplished. But often, they are regarded as liabilities as they are very costly and difficult to keep happy.  In any work environment I enjoy working with a team of people as I view people as the best assets to any organization. During my life, organized sports kept me grounded and that taught me to highly value a well-working team. How we interact with each other plays a huge role in how we feel at our workplace. If everyone treated each other with respect and dignity, usually, the workplace is a positive space.  From a teaching perspective, motivating and empowering students is always at the forefront of my teaching. This explains why human resources is my highest score.

Symbolic was the category in which I expected to score the least. I figured I would have scored higher on political or structural considering my view of importance of these categories. After taking some time to think about the value of the symbolic category, I recognized why I scored higher in this characteristic. Motivation is something that is often undervalued in a workplace. Given that I am a teacher, I am aware that motivation is the key to getting students to work at their personal best.  So when I teach, I try to inspire the students so that they can step out of their comfort zone and accomplish amazing things. If you have ever worked in a place where there was low motivation amongst the employees, you would agree that, for me, work seemed to drag on. It makes logical sense that in the spirit of human resources, symbolism would be a great complimentary trait. People are at the top of my list and how to motivate and inspire them to complete tasks at their personal best, is something I value.


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