My view on teaching and learning

My core principles are teaching from a place of love and understanding. Sure students will misbehave but their job is to determine where the boundaries are. Whenever I enter an interview I usually have points I want to hit that best describe my teaching. The points I want to make are as follows. Firstly, I teach using a backward design for learning. I go to the curriculum document first and determine what I need to teach from the government perspective. Secondly, I read over my class records to determine what additional areas of support I will need to provide. This is called the universal design of learning. I need to factor in all of my students in any lesson I teach. Not some, not most, all students must be accounted for. Thirdly, everything I do in the classroom comes from a place of love. This is called pedagogical love. Some days you will be a teacher, other days a counselor, the next day you could be a mentor. A teacher transforms into many things to best support students. Fourthly, When I am making my units/lessons I want to focus on the student's interests. This is called student centered pedagogy. Once I get to know my students I can better plan for lessons and for things I will be making. For most culminating tasks, I allow students to pick one of my options or come up with their own. I do my best not to limit the creativity for producing a final product. My main goal is to help students discover their talents and help them on their journey to becoming productive members of society. Everyone has a gift, finding the gift is the tricky part.


  1. William - what a beautiful post! It was interesting to read your core principles about teaching and learning. I appreciate your structure and attention to detail in your description. You can certainly use parts of this to form your philosophical statement (and perhaps you are planning to do this). Thanks again, Sarah


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