This is how I work.

I wanted a space to show others how I go about completing a task. Your style may be different and I wanted others to see "messy" the work can be at times. This work is partly edited. My rough notes are usually not edited.

My usual strategy

Step 1- Know what is due and when it is due
Step 2- Make a plan
Step 3- Start gathering information and begin to answer questions
Step 4- Complete the tasks
Step 5- Get someone else to proof read my work
Step 6- Reread my work
Step 7- Submit

This is my process. Please comment below and tell me about your process.

Part 1 read two articles

Amabile- Save on desktop
  • Amabile, T.M., Goldfarb, P., & Brackfield, S.C. (1990). Social influences on creativity: Evaluation, coaction, and surveillance. Creativity Research Journal, 3(1), 6–21.

On a verbal task in Study 1 and an artistic task in Study 2, creativity was lower in the groups
expecting evaluation than those not expecting evaluation.

Tchaikovsky, 1906) suggests that the presence of others can be detrimental to the creative process.

(1924) demonstrated that simple tasks were performed better with cofactors (others working individually alongside the per- former), but complex tasks were performed
better alone.

Presence of others, either as collectors or as observers, increases speed and performance
on simple tasks, but decreases speed and performance on complex tasks

Tasks that are algorithmic for the individual— with a clear and straightforward path to a single solution or method of completion— do not allow creative performance. Creativity can only be displayed on tasks that allow room for flexibility in response— heuristic tasks, where the path to solution or method of completion is not predetermined or straightforward for the individual and, hence, some exploration is required.

Given equal levels of domain-relevant skill and creativity- relevant skill, an intrinsically motivated individual will produce more creative work than will an extrinsically motivated individual.

Relevant to theories of the social inhibition of intrinsic motivation and creativity through audience presence.

Two studies provide some evidence that the presence of others leads to more common (and less creative) responses.

coaction had absolutely no effect on verbal creativity. Small coaction in group 2

But, on the basis of the current evidence, we can only say that the presence of others might inhibit creativity if those others are directly observing the performance.

People working together can enhance the creative process. Being evaluated lowers creativity.

  • Frank, T. (2013, October 13). Ted talks are lying to you. Salon. Retrieved from

Frant, t

Innovation, that is, exists only when the correctly credentialed hivemind agrees that it does.

what we call creativity is simply an expression of professional consensus.

artist’s “creativity came into being when a sufficient number of art experts felt that his paintings had something important to contribute to the domain of art.

Definitions will each be two paragraphs long.  The first paragraph will define the term, and the second will justify it.  Demonstrate what sources you consulted to compose your definitions and, where appropriate, which source resonated most.  

Innovation-is to make something new, whether it is an idea or a product or to introduce a new way (to modify) an idea or product that already exists.  Innovation requires high levels of cognitive domain including analyzing, evaluating and creating. Innovation, to me, is not using something that already exists at a different point in time. If you used something that already existed in a new context, this would be an example of innovation. For example, when they developed the newer skis, manufacturers used technology from planes (material to reduce cabin noise) to reduce the vibration on the skis.

I decided to keep innovation to a simpler definition because it overlaps with creativity. Innovation is coming up with a new idea that others have not used. An example from the video was flexible hours of business. I did not want to add the fact that innovation creates value for a business or a government because I believe that someone can be innovative on their own even without for the sole purpose of benefiting others. An example would be, someone who uses a new way of watering their flowers to make the task more productive and efficient.

“Innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product, service or process that creates value for business, government or society.”
“innovation (in something) the introduction of new things, ideas or ways of doing something”

  1. Although I found this to be extremely difficult to define; here is my definition.
Creativity- is the process of using one's brain to create something new, modifying something that already exists in a way that has not been previously used, or a new or modified way of thinking.  There are many different types of creativity. Creativity is a process where thoughts or feelings are utilized to produce a new idea, concept, or product. Convergent and divergent are factors that influence creativity. Convergent thinking is the reproduction of known concepts and applying them to new situations. Divergent thinking uses new ideas that were unavailable before. There are two main phases the thinking phase and a production phase. We, as a society, determine what is creative. If every art piece was so abstract that no one wanted to see it, no one would be able to identify it as art.  On the other hand, if we make art that conforms to what people expect and want to see, is that truly creative, or is it just giving people what they want?

Firstly, one needs to use their brain to synthesize information. The second part is to turn a thought it into something else (which could be another thought). Creativity can be making something new or thinking in a new way. It can also be modifying a thought or an object in a way that it has not previously been used before.  It is hard to argue that anything is truly new because without all of our previous knowledge, most “new” items would not exist. I think to be creative, something must be  modified in a way where that item or thought has not been previously used. An example is SpaceX reusing rockets to significantly cut down on the costs of space travel. ----> this article made somewhat understandable.
  1. Teaching- is to show, share knowledge of, or explain to others a concept, an idea, a method, etc., in a way such that the person learning comprehends and is able to reproduce said knowledge, in the same or a different capacity. Teaching can motivate, encourage, innovate, develop questions, identify problems and possible solutions, and create space for debates.It can also be an occupation. As an occupation, teaching is the process of selecting and demonstrating the  material in a way where the learner can understand, to support the individual for their benefit, whether it be academically or socially, all the while, looking out for the best interest of the individual and to support an individual as a complete person. As a profession, the word teaching has a definition that is far too simplistic, as it involves teaching students how to become their personal best and how to become a benefitting member to society. These two ideas should be at the forefront of any kind of teaching. A teacher also must appease the shareholders and teach the required information set out by the shareholders.

To teach another is to show or explain how to do something. YouTube is a great example of people showing others how to do a variety of things. People of all ages from all over the world is able to and has been, recording themselves doing, playing, creating, new things and sharing the steps and guidance in how others could do the same. YouTube has become a fantastic medium to teach not only for non-teachers, but teachers as well. Teachers have begun to adapt concepts like Flipped Classroom, where they would record and teach their lessons through the video and students would have the ability to learn through watching and rewinding (lack of time with individual students is something we as teachers struggle with daily), if necessary.

  1. Learning-is the acquisition of a skill or knowledge through experience, study, or by being taught. Learning is something that is intrinsic and results in some sort of change.  This change is not brought upon by biological aging. Learning is a vast spectrum. At the basic level, learning is memorization and at the higher levels, learning develops critical thinking and creativity. There are currently eight different types of learning styles which are: kinesthetic, naturalist, intrapersonal, interpersonal, musical, visual/spatial, logical/mathematical, and linguistic.

To learn is to change. I believe that if no change has happened (although it hard to qualify what a change is) then no learning has happened. Learning is not simply aging but the changes made while aging through life experiences. Learning is an active process where gains a skill or some knowledge surrounding a particular interest, voluntarily or not. I mentioned that learning is intrinsic because to learn, one must be a participant (voluntarily or involuntarily). An example of forced learning would be the children soldiers that are used in conflict areas. These children, unfortunately, learn how to be a soldier through cruel and disturbing acts by their trainers or by simply being raised in that society.


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