
After completing module 1, I wanted to reflect on what I have learned from the activities I completed. One of the larger activities this week was to define creativity, innovation, teaching, and learning. There is a lot of research on all of these topics. A simple Google search reveals thousands of different pieces of literature to support one trying to come up with a definition.  After reading over a bunch of different material I came up with my own definition. The second challenge in module 1, was to read other student's definition and modify my definition accordingly. I was amazed to see the variance in the definitions. Some students wrote very short and precise definitions and other students posted longer more detailed definitions. After reading a few I modified my definitions with key points that I thought I needed to added. What have I learned from this activity? society defines what certain words mean and how they are to be used. There is no one right answer to any questions. Some of the definitions I did not agree with and others I agreed with. The point was not to agree or disagree, it was to come up with a definition. I noticed that I would use my personal experience to define the words based on my life experience. Applying this to education means that every lesson that is taught may be received completely different by each student. In my classroom, we need to decide as a class, what is relevant information to our class.


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